For your convenience, Left/Right Hand Conversions for our Tavor SAR and Tavor X95 can be performed by IWI, US Certified Armorers. You can find a list of them on the left hand conversion page here

You also have the option of sending your rifle here to the IWI US facility in Middletown, Pennsylvania. A conversion is $124.00 plus $50 shipping for a total of $174.00. The total includes shipping to IWI and return shipping to you when the conversion is complete. You’ll receive your original bolt back as well as a barrel wrench and can perform any future conversions yourself by following the instructions provided in the owner’s manual. Please see our Firearm Return Form for details.

As of 04/28/2023 we are limited on Tavor SAR or Tavor X95 left hand conversions that we can perform. Please call or email into IWI US Customer Service to verify that status of conversions. We apologize for the inconvenience.